Fellowship of the Research

Two of Trent University’s grad students, Meaghan Ward and Sasha Newar, have started a podcast in which grad students involved in research projects get to share their findings to a wider community. Guests are currently only Trent students but in the future you may see them reach out beyond Ptbo/Nogo. This gives the long, lonely life of grad students an opportunity to hear and find community. I discuss the early days of the podcast with Meaghan. To quote, both her and Sasha “love science communication.” Find Fellowship of the Research on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fotrpodcast/ and if you have any of your own proposals for the show, you can contact them at fellowshipoftheresearchpodcast@gmail.com, plus listen to them on Spotify at https://open.spotify.com/show/1ccfJIW4Dz98s4njpcxbXM. Musical tracks: archives assistant-“Smash Everything” and Babe Chorus-“Nosedive.”

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