Ellen Froese is a folk/country musician from Saskatoon. She recently played in Peterborough(April 7th at Jethro’s) and for this month, is in residence at Cameron House in Toronto. Her latest album is “For Each Flower Growing”, that is “more thought out” than her previous releases. The album was produced by Sam Corbett of Sheepdogs. She is heavily influenced by acclaimed musician Arthur Russell’s folk drum machine. She was also heavily influenced for this album by Carl Sagan’s “Cosmos.” We talk about how she dealt with the passing away of sound engineer Jill Mack in the middle of making the album. Overall, she is wanting to take folk music in her own innovative form. She has a deep love of horticulture and is perhaps there as a post-music career. Musical tracks: Ellen Froese-“Long Division”, “Like You’re Looking At Me”(Live), “For Each Flower Growing”(Live), “Everybody Knows”