Music: badmayor
Kerri is the Proram Manager at the Consumption and Trreatement Services at 220 Simcoe St. in Peterborough. In the episode we discuss matters such as: the stigma behind users, how drug addiction can happen to all of us, Three services are provided at CTS: PARN provides safe equipment for drug use and food among other items(such as Hep C and HIV testing). M-SORT receives referrals from paramedics for people who need support and try and meet them. CTS gives a booth for those who bring drugs to the site. Nurses are on site three times a week to do help treats wounds and other health factors. We both give an acknowledgement to the Peterborough Library. The attempt is to give understanding about CTS, about those that use it and to reserve moral judgement. Moral judgement is a no-win position in which there are no means of finding a solution to an ever-escalating situation, not just in Peterborugh, but globally(try Los Angeles if you don’t believe me).